Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bay Area Baseball Comparisons

Last week I went to the SF Giants VS Colorado Rockies game at AT&T Park. Not the most exciting game (I left at the 8th inning, with the Rockies up 7-2), but I had a good time drinking beer with 40+ year old engineers who had more fun yelling each other's names than actually watching the game.

Have you ever been to AT&T Park? I've only gone there to actually watch a game twice, but I've worked at the stands at least 4 times each season for the past 4 years. I don't know how other stadiums in big cities are, but this one is nice. They've got slides and games for kids and the club level is sweeeet. Even the bathroom in the highest level are clean 24/7.

I've also been to McAfee Colliseum for an Oakland As VS Seatle Mariners game. The stadium looks like shit, especially compared to where the Giants play just over the bay. The green looks like seaweed and nothing looks like it's been renovated in over a decade. However, the one time I went there had to be the best time I ever went to a baseball game. The game was actually exciting (a close call that had the fans booing, a double play to get the fans on their feet, and a home run by the Mariners to keep the score tied at the 7th) and the fans are something else. You definitely don't see girls in tight jeans, mid-drifts and heels at an A's game.
There's just something about the Giants that makes me shake my head. I'm sure this franchise hasn't always been this way but from simple observation, the only reason why half the people go to their games is to get trashed anyways. Whatever happened to the love of "America's favorite past-time?"

McAfee Colliseum

AT&T Park

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